GZDOC 2017 Is Calling for Entries!
In 2016, GZDOC has received 4059 entriesfrom 111 countries/regions worldwide, 2376 people from 561 associationsattended the gathering. The transaction value has been reached 400 million CNY.It is the biggest film festival in Asia. Last year, we first introduced “China Story”project for propagating China stories by innovating, financing andbroadcasting. Also, more than 60 films/series were screened in the “GoldenKapok” Screening sector, which is the biggest documentary screening in China. GZDOC 2017 is calling for entries now, wesincerely hope you to join this celebration. Calling Information When is the application deadline? Please fill in and submit the applicationform before August 30. 2017, and all the application materials should be received by the organizing committee before August 30.2017. Limits For Competition, Screening and Docshop 1. Theapplication film should be finished documentary film, incomplete films will be rejected. 2. Films canapply for all three sectors at the same time. For “China Story” project 1. Theapplication should be incomplete films, finished films will be rejected. 2. Theapplication project is attending only for financing, cooperation, copyrightbuying, producers and broadcasting associations. Application conditions For Competition: The application filmshould be finished after January 1, 2015 For Docshop: No limit For Screening: 1. Screeningat cinemas: (1)Films, except for theme screening, should be finished after November 1, 2016. (2)Film length should be longer than 70mins. 2. Screeningat universities and art galleries: (1)Films, except for theme screening, should be finished after November 1, 2016. (2)Film length should be longer than 30mins. 3. Internationalpremiere: (1)Films should be finished after November 1, 2016. (2)Films should never be released before or are planed to release after November1, 2017. (3)Film length should be longer than 70mins. Sectors in Competition Competition will consist of pre-selection,review selection and final selection. The result will be released onmid-December at the closing ceremony. Click on “Film Entry”/”Project Entry” Submit your work Contact us General Office of the Organizing Committeeof GZDOC Adds:Room 1701, China EverbrightBank Building, No.689 Tianhe Bei Road, Tianhe District,Guangzhou, China Contacts: Mr. Ding Zhizhao Tel: +86-020-38780150-824 Email: film@gzdoc.cn