

Footprints in the Snow

Director: Zhu He/
Producer:CMG Sports and Children's Programming Center / CCTV International Network Co., Ltd. / Bejing SDT Media Co., Ltd. / New TV / China IPTV Co.,Ltd. / Beijing Yi Orange World Technology Co., Ltd.
Country / Region:China
Film Introduction
In the context of China will hold the 24th Olympic Winter Games in 2022,each episode of Footprints in the Snow will be produced in 25 minutes, and will document compelling stories regarding winter sports, disclosing the splendid cultures behind those sports. The documentary will also explore the role of winter sports in individual life and social development, revealing relationships between those sports and diversity national life in different countries. In the context of modern winter sports development, the production crew of Footprints in the Snow plans to travel to Japan, Korea, France, Holland, U.K., Austria, Swiss, Germany, Norway, U.S. and Canada, etc.
Film Creator
"Zhu He, a producer and director from CCTV Sports Channel, covering both Olympic and Winter Olympic games since 2008.++Rewarded project including:++Smile· 1988 of series Our Olympic win the 26th FICTS Grand Prize;15th SHTVF History & Biography Documentary Sliver Award; “Docu China”2019 1st prize of Best Program.++Ice hokey Girl wins the 28th FICTS Grand Prize;11th SCTVF Jury Prize.++The Power of Sports 23th “Starlight” the best TV documentary. NINA,LEAVES WITH A SMILE wins 1st Sport Media Pearl Awards Grand Prize in Sport Short Film.++Football Roadmap Season 1 wins AIPS Sport Media Award Bronze Award."
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